
More Proof Jesus Hates Me

Well at least we got the tour out of them...
Pixies abandon new songs

Frank Black calls them 'kind of fakey'
And Bam Thwok. Can't forget Bam Thwok.
Black said that about six months ago he penned a number of songs for the band "in an attempt to convince one of the Pixies to make a Pixies record again. I can't say who she is," Black told Billboard in reference to bassist Kim Deal.

He said while he liked the end result of some of the songs at the same time he wasn't entirely convinced.

"I tried to find my Pixies muse and write a so-called Pixies number but they weren't any good. They sounded a little contrived or something. That's the problem with trying to repeat something you did a long time ago; if you go 'Okay, I'm gonna try to recreate something, tap into some mood I used years ago', even if it's the same songwriter, it's kind of fakey."

"What can I say? Sometimes I wish I could just spit out some Pixies-esque songs, but it doesn't really work that way. You write the songs and they come out the way they come out. They might sound like the Pixies, but these days mostly...not."
I still want to hear those "mostly... not" songs. Badly.
Really, don't care, NEED to hear them.

I ♥ you Pixies... I really do.


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